Help disadvantaged Federation students start or continue their studies by making a donation, arranging a bequest or setting up a regular payment.

If you’re thinking of giving to Federation, firstly – thank you. We appreciate it. Secondly – there are different ways to support our students. You can make a one-off donation, you can arrange a bequest, or – if you work at Federation – you can set up a regular payment. The amount is up to you. Every bit helps.
To make a one-off donation of $10 or more, please fill out the form below to pay via American Express, Visa or Mastercard. If you'd like to pay via cash, cheque, BPAY or direct deposit, email us via or call (03) 5327 9929.
All gifts of $2 or more are tax deductible (and we’ll send you an official receipt for tax purposes).
Staff giving
You can show your support from as little as $5 per fortnight, knowing that 100% of your donation will go towards staff scholarships awarded to higher education and TAFE students, both domestic and international.
You can choose to make either after-tax or pre-tax (salary sacrifice) contributions. After-tax contributions (above $2) are tax deductible. Pre-tax contributions through salary sacrifice are not tax deductible; however, you would obtain a tax benefit through a reduced income tax liability. Salary sacrifice contributions are not subject to fringe benefits tax. The University is a registered charity with deductible gift recipient status.
Interested? Set up a fortnightly payroll deduction, either 'after tax' or by salary sacrifice (pre-tax) contributions, or provide a one-off donation, by filling out the Staff Giving form.